Vegan Basics

‘The true miracle is not walking on water or walking on air… but walking on this Earth.’


Haven’t seen much of this Earth, but haven’t seen any less too. From the first steps you take after you have eaten enough dirt and mud while crawling gives a feeling of immense joy. You don’t remember but ask your parents.

Walking is a sign of independence. A sign of letting go. A sign of moving ahead. A sign of reaching your goals.

Just one step ahead. Just one step away. This is the push we all either give or take. Because moving ahead is all we can do. Is all we should do . The best part of life is that it keeps changing. It never remains the same. So why should our surroundings be the same? And in order to accept the change and imbibe it within, we must keep moving ahead. Walk. Run. Hop… but move ahead. Trust me, it can be a huge lifestyle change if you aren’t doing it already (besides adopting vegetarian diet :D ).


We are mobile social animals not having the roots to be stuck at one place. With so much of pressure, anxiety and chaos around us, moving ahead should not be a hassle but should be liberating and comfortable. It should be easy. Rest assured. And the best experience of moving ahead can be had if you have the best partner… for your feet.

Leaving all the claustrophobic, traffic filled city of Delhi, I took my ‘White Sneakers’ and headed to the heavens of Kerala, living and breathing in the wild. Rejuvenating and re-inventing myself.

I was not leaving everything behind but I surely was moving ahead. Discovering and rediscovering my passion and spirit. I treaded this path with Vegan Basics- white sneakers. A free spirited, white sneakers which I knew would tell my story of the treks I made, the waterfalls I witnessed, the backwaters I swimmed in and the mountains I climbed.

A week’s trip with these comfortable companion made me establish my belief. That moving ahead is the only solace in this world. You can decide the path but you can’t decide your journey and its difficulties. Hence, you can pick up these white boys to ensure that your partner for winning this life and experiencing this journey is the best comfort you can ask for!



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